Volonterka Virginia piše o svojim dojmovima prilikom volontiranja u Žmergu

Volonterka Virginia piše o svojim dojmovima prilikom volontiranja u Žmergu

Evo jedne lijepe priče za kraj tjedna.

Sa završetkom lipnja uspješno je završio projekt pod nazivom “We are United” koji sufinancira Europska komisija kroz program Europske snage solidarnosti, proveden u suradnji s našim dragim kolegama iz udruge Associação Juvenil de Peniche.

U protekla tri mjeseca imali smo priliku upoznati 6 djevojaka iz Portugala, koje su se odlučile prijaviti na projekt i mjesec dana provesti volontirajući u Udruzi Žmergo. Naši su dojmovi i više nego pozitivni, a sada ćemo vidjeti kakvi su dojmovi Virginie Gomes, nasmijane, vrijedne i vrlo simpatične djevojke, koja se s današnjim datumom vratila natrag u Portugal. Njezin osvrt na volontiranje u proteklih mjesec dana pročitajte u nastavku.

“When I signed up to volunteer in Croatia I didn’t really know what I was coming for. This is my first international volunteering and I just knew that I wanted to leave Portugal for a European country where it was hot, because I love the sun. This volunteer work exceeded any expectations, I met amazing people and paradisiacal places. I was lucky because I had the best of both worlds: I volunteered and I also had the opportunity to travel in an amazing country like Croatia as well as to Slovenia and Italy. My experience was so positive and enriching thanks to Zmergo who gave me all the possibilities to make it happen.
The workshops we held with the local youth were very interesting as I had the chance to witness their concern and dedication towards topics to improve in the community, such as education and the environment. I also had the opportunity to talk to some of them and I was surprised by the interest they have in trying to improve the society in which they are inserted. That’s why it is extremely important that associations like Zmergo encourage young people to be active in their society by organizing workshops and discussions where their voice matters.
I also thought it was very important to build games using only recycled materials for workshops with children and to raise awareness of environmental sustainability. The children were always interested in finding out more and participating in the games.
I think this experience couldn’t have gone any better, as I had the opportunity to get in touch with the local community and really get to know the Croatian spirit, while getting to know northern Croatia and its charms.”

Virginia Gomes
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